Bizarre golf scorecard appears to tout Jeffrey Epstein conspiracy theories and crypto ads.

Bizarre golf scorecard appears to tout Jeffrey Epstein conspiracy theories and crypto ads.

I found that story in the feed but didn’t take the bait, and decided instead to search for Jeffrey Epstein.

I found that story in the feed but didn’t take the bait, and decided instead to search for Jeffrey Epstein.

The map is perfect, straight out of the search box. The core of the story is the pink section of the map: “The day after Epstein died, Trump tweeted the conspiracy theory that Clinton killed Epstein”.

The map is perfect, straight out of the search box. The core of the story is the pink section of the map: “The day after Epstein died, Trump tweeted the conspiracy theory that Clinton killed Epstein”.

As noted before when exploring the Britney Spears conspiracies, the Epstein conspiracy is about named entities. There is not much substance besides the propagation of suspicion through Epstein’s social network. That somewhat unrelated part of the story is showing in purple.

As noted before when exploring the Britney Spears conspiracies, the Epstein conspiracy is about named entities. There is not much substance besides the propagation of suspicion through Epstein’s social network. That somewhat unrelated part of the story is showing in purple.

This is why the map jumps out of the box without any need for further work: named entities are less ambiguous than topics expressed by common phrases.

The same pattern was found when exploring the Britney Spears conspiracy.

And the exact opposite is true for our “15-minute conspiracy” case-study: big concepts like climate change required a significant amount of work to get the story right.